Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Elizabeth Lambert's Side of the Story

While she says she has "so much regret," notorious collegiate soccer hatchet woman Elizabeth Lambert of University of New Mexico also claims that some of her actions were in the heat of the moment and/or shown out of context in the widely-viewed You Tube videos.
Today's New York Times carries the first interview with Lambert since her activities came to worldwide attention. As most people know by now, Lambert was seen kicking, tripping, pulling down and punching opponents throughout a 1-0 loss to Brigham Young in a Mountain West Conference tournament game on Nov. 5.

The interview with Jere Longman, is here: As always, Longman presents a superb and balanced account of the incident and gives Lambert every opportunity to tell her side of the story. Her coach, Kit Veltra, and the referee who allowed the mayhem to continue unabated, Joe Pimentel, have not been heard from, and I still would like to know what they were thinking. Interestingly, Lambert does not think Pimentel lost control of the game but said that if he had shown more yellow cards or a red car, it would have been a different game.
(Photo above by Rick Sobelli, Jr. for the New York Times)

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