Thursday, June 2, 2011

JAGS Countdown

More on the FIFA controversy and the Women's World Cup in the future. For now what matters in my soccer life is that JAGS is two weeks away.

This means the e-mails and calls from college coaches will start picking up and I'll undoubtedly get e-mails from team parents and coaches asking why we don't list college coaches attending the tournament on our website. I have a form response which explains the several reasons: the list changes daily; some coaches sign up on without planning to attend; some coaches register with every intention of attending and their plans change at the last minute for reasons ranging from the weather to spousal edit; some coaches don;t register and then show up. I always tell parents and players to let the schools in which they are interested know they are playing at JAGS (and their other tournaments).

I already messed up by sending out a mass mailing to several hundred college coaches and forgetting to attach the list of hotels I mentioned. I suppose if anyone needs a hotel they'll contact me. Every year I get a few requests for hotel recommendations, some for directions and lots about fields and schedules. But the most unusual request from a college coach was five or six years ago when a coach asked me for a recommendation for a golf course for a late Saturday round. I've never played golf, but fortunately my good buddy and Medford Strikers Xtreme parent George Sierra, is a golf fanatic and was able to help me out. Never heard from the coach how he played that afternoon.

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