OK, I may be a bit biased, but I happen to think my son Scott, among his many other talents, is a great writer. See, for example, his blog about a cross country trip in 2007. So I was happy to learn he has started a new blog on running. (If you have to ask what running has to do with soccer, you probably aren't reading a soccer blog anyway.)
It has a clever name: "I Thought They Said Rum" and starts off on January 31, 2011 with an account of Scott's fantastic run in the Philadelphia Marathon when he registered a 3:09:44, good enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon. As one who has run seven marathons, I am impressed with anyone who can cover 26.2 miles in any time. As one whose best time in those seven was 3:50 something, running the distance in the time Scott did amazes me. If you think it's easy, try running a mile in 7:15, then doing it 25 more times, and still having to run the length of three soccer fields to finish.
The photo with this post says it all -- the joy of not only finishing a marathon, but of Scott knowing he reached a goal that took months of training, sacrifice and discipline. (If the clock has been in the picture it would have been misleading as a runner's official time is the "chip time" measured from when he crosses the starting line - which may be a minute or more after the gun goes off and the elite runners head out.)
So anyway, after you read Coach P's blog, check out Scott's running blog. And well-done, Scott!
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